Cure Fan Chronicles: Jami Lemmer Parente, on being deaf and listening to The Cure

When I started CureFanDoc 2.0, I started collecting stories from Cure fans from around the world. I’ll try to feature them every Wednesday over here. This is one of my all-time favorites. Jami was born deaf, able to hear very, very little. Even now, with cochlear implants, she uses The Cure’s music to adjust her […]

1986. When it all began

Summer Camp Group Photo. Tent 7 Camp Frank A Day

“We just wear the same suits otherwise we’d lose each other in railway stations” – Robert Smith, Interview from “Les Enfants du Rock” 1985 ▲ The Cure did not become my favorite band overnight. I was 13 or so when I first heard them at a party. During the next 2 years, with the help […]